` Scratch-building a Model Railroad structure for beginners - 9

Scratch-building for beginners - page 9

Just one more thing: steps!  I mean...we do want our tiny people to be able to get into and out of their humble abode, right?

The first step (pardon the pun!) is to separate the Rail Scale Models stringers from each other.  Next, take one stringer and hold it against the side wall of the front porch with the bottom of the stringer flat on your work surface; count how mnany treads it takes to get to the top of the wall, then trim the stringer to that height.  Hold the cut stringer against the remaining stringer strip and cut the remaining stringer to get a second cut strip equal in length to the first cut strip.  Trim the second cut strip to match the first one.

Cutting stringers for the front porch

Paint the stringers the same color as the windows and porch railings; paint two (2) strips of HO scale 1" x 10" lumber the same color as the porch floorboards.

When the paint is dry, cut enough pieces of 1" x 10" to equal the number of treads on the steps; make the treads just wide enough to extend 1/16" past the newel posts on either side of the porch.

Next, using super glue, glue one end of one piece of 1" x 10" to the second from the top tread of one piece of stringer and one piece of 1" x 10" to the bottom tread of the same piece of stringer.  Allow the glue on this assembly to set, then glue the opposite ends of the 1" x 10" treads to the same spots on the remaining piece of tread.  Once this assembly has set sufficiently, glue the remaining pieces of tread in place: place small dabs of super glue on the stringers and apply the remaining treads, using tweezers to prevent you getting glue on your fingers and sticking to the tiny pieces of wood.

When the step assembly has dried, glue a piece of 5/64" x 1/4" between the stringers at the top; this will serve as a cleat to secure the steps to the front of the porch.   Apply super glue to the cleat just created and attach the step assembly to the front wall of the porch.

Repeat the step construction process for the two back doors, making separate sets of steps for each door.

Next: a few parting words.

The finished project

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Created Sunday, May 30, 2021
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